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Regenerative Agriculture

Feeding our growing population with regenerative farming practices

"How can Regenerative Agriculture be scaled? That is the key question."

Food is responsible for a third of all global emissions, but Regenerative Agriculture offers a way of reducing emissions from our food system at the same time as regenerating ecosystems and removing carbon.

The challenge for Regenerative Agriculture is one of scale – how much of the world’s growing population it could feed, how it works in different contexts, and how we measure its potential and impact to encourage investment.

Patrick Holden and Adele Jones from Sustainable Food Trust, Julie Greene from Olam Agri, and Alexander Gillett from HowGood all work at the forefront of the agricultural transition. They share their insights about this growing movement, exploring both its benefits and its challenges.

"If we are fed by nature, we somehow understand our relationship with the world in which we find ourselves. We need to give everyone that opportunity."

To learn more about our contributors, visit their websites below:

Sustainable Food Trust

Olam Agri


Do you want to learn more about farming in harmony with nature? Visit our Regenerative Agriculture Hub.

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