RE:imagining Energy
There is no sector more critical to building a sustainable future than energy.
As the economic rationale for renewables makes them ever more attractive to investors, innovative technologies like green hydrogen and fusion are emerging, promising to accelerate our transition from the age of fossil fuels into a new era of clean energy.
Discover insights from leading experts and see case studies in solar, wind, hydro and geothermal from all around the world.
Maximising The Potential Of Renewables
Energy has profoundly shaped modern life, but its benefits come with a byproduct. We must urgently decarbonise the systems that power our world in order to continue on our current path of prosperity. Watch our interview with renewable energy expert Juliet Davenport to learn how innovation is already sparking change.

Accelerating the path to a fusion energy future
Transforming Our Energy Systems
What will the energy sector look like in 2050? Fossil fuels currently account for 80% of global energy consumption, but as the Energy Institute's Chief Executive Nick Wayth explains, rapid innovation in cleantech is set to transform the landscape. Watch the full film to discover how.

Decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors with clean hydrogen
Investment In Renewable Energy
Professor J. Doyne Farmer, Director of Complexity Economics at Oxford Martin School, explains how new economic modelling predicts that a transition to a nearly 100% clean energy system by around 2050 would bring economic benefits of approximately $12 trillion globally.

Sun and Wind
Renewable energy innovation in solar and wind energy
Financial Frameworks
Experts from Bank of America and Invenergy unpack the opportunity provided by the Investment Reduction Act policy to drive investment in innovative technology in renewable energy.

Earth and Water
Generating renewable energy from the earth, river and seas
Customer Energy Transition
The energy transition can’t be done to people, it must be done for and with them. This report explores what corporates in the Sustainable Markets Initiative and beyond can do to promote a customer-centred energy transition.

Energy Insights
Thought leadership from the Sustainable Markets Initiative and its members