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Regenerating Oceans

As a vast, natural carbon sink, the ocean plays an essential role in regulating our environment. But our emissions are increasing ocean temperatures around the world, which in turn are increasing acidity levels and reducing the ocean’s capacity to absorb carbon.

The good news is that it is not too late to restore the ocean’s health and work with it to restore the health of the planet. We’re pleased to have featured many innovative climate solutions which work with nature to protect and restore the ocean's health.

Investing in Marine Ecosystems

Small Island Developing States must adapt and build resilience in a swiftly changing world. Identifying and leveraging natural assets can be an important piece of the puzzle.

Watch our extended interview with High Commissioner of The Bahamas Paul Andrew Gomez to learn how the country is monetising seagrass beds in the form of carbon credits.

Insuring Climate Resilience

Low-lying coastal areas are vulnerable to storms, hurricanes and cyclones intensified by climate change. The insurance industry can support disaster resilience by providing financial protection against extreme weather events, enabling rapid recovery.

Watch our extended interview with Rebekah Clement to find out how.

Vibrant Blue Economies

Small Island Developing States are responsible for less than 1% of greenhouse gas emissions, but they are disproportionately impacted by the changing climate.

Could nature-based solutions could hold the key to environmental and financial resilience? Watch our extended interview with Dr. Deborah Brosnan to find out.

An Expert's Insights

Our oceans are reaching a tipping-point. Increased sea temperatures, ocean acidification, and sea level rises are having a profound effect on marine ecosystems and the planet as a whole. Professor David Booth outlines how climate change is affecting the health of our oceans, and what we can do to prevent an ecological disaster.

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