RE:storing Ecosystems
Case studies and insights from all over the world exploring how nature can inspire solutions to so many of the challenges we face today, from innovations in well-established sectors like renewable energy, and restoration initiatives in degraded oceans and landscapes through to integrating Nature-Based Solutions in the cities of the future.
Thomas Crowther
Thomas Crowther is professor of ecology in the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich where he founded the Crowther Lab. He is also the founder of Restor, an online restoration and conservation platform, and co-chair of the advisory board for the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Find out how forests encourage both biodiversity and economic innovation
Reviving Marine Biodiversity
Our oceans are reaching a tipping-point. Increased sea temperatures, ocean acidification, and sea level rises are having a profound effect on marine eco-systems and the planet as a whole. Professor David Booth outlines how climate change is affecting the health of our oceans, and what we can do to prevent an ecological disaster.
David Booth is Professor of Marine Ecology and Director of the Centre for Environmental Sustainability at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.

Coastal Habitats
Recovering Nature-Based Solutions
Nature-based solutions synergistic projects between humans and nature. These include forest protection, coastal ecosystem restoration, sustainable land management through agroforestry, and urban greening. Effective NbS benefit local communities and honour indigenous knowledge.
Nathalie Seddon is Professor of Biodiversity and Founding Director of the Nature-based Solutions Initiative in the Department of Biology at the University of Oxford

Transforming Food Systems
Patrick Holden, founder of the Sustainable Food Institute and a dairy farmer in West Wales, shares his vision of how regenerative agriculture could make farming climate positive; reducing greenhouse gas emissions, restoring depleted land, capturing carbon, improving biodiversity, at the same time as transforming public health.

Further reading
Reports from the SMI and its members