RE:thinking Food
It has been estimated by UNFAO that food is responsible for one third of all global emissions. Our current linear food system is causing damage from farm to fork – but there is another way forward.
The good news is that food can be part of the solution to the climate crisis. Regenerative farming practices allow us to produce food at the same time as regenerating ecosystems and removing carbon, and innovations are being devised to tackle the issue of food waste across the value chain.
Discover insights from the industry leaders, experts, businesses and producers redesigning our food systems from the ground up.
The Circular Food Economy
Our current food system perpetuates waste from farm to fork. Can we redesign it using the principles of a circular economy? Watch our interview with Reniera O'Donnell from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to find out.
Food Waste
RE:TV case studies highlighting innovative approaches to food waste
Decarbonizing Hotel Food Systems
Sustainable Markets Initiative, World Hospitality Alliance and Iberostar Hotels & Resorts explore how hotels can become more sustainable and resilient by reducing their food-related emissions, which are estimated at 185 million tonnes of CO2-eq globally.
RE:TV Case Studies
A collection of films looking at regenerative farming in practice around the world
Feeding Our Growing Population
Food is responsible for a third of all global emissions, but Regenerative Agriculture offers a way of reducing emissions from our food system at the same time as regenerating ecosystems and removing carbon.
RE:TV Experts
Learn from leading agricultural academics and practitioners
Waste Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of how Hilton are reducing waste across their group of hotels in three key areas: soap, single-use plastics, and food waste. As of 2019, the group had diverted 35% of the waste in their managed hotels from landfill.
Reports and Insights
Thought leadership from members of the Sustainable Markets Initiative